Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Week 4 of build: 2

Today was the last day for decorating we wanted to be finished by the end of the day so all we needed to do would be by the last few props. In the morning I helped Emily put paper around the wood that would be the stone slab in front of her fire place making sure that all the surrounding area and the rest of the fireplace was covered and wouldn't be covered in the spray paint she was going to use. She had been given a stone style spray that after a few coats looked quite real. I had a go at spraying a few areas that had been missed but we found very quickly that I have very bad aim and so I left the spraying to Emily. When it was dry Emily smudged in some black paint to make it look as if the great had been a working fire and had been used before.
When Emma got in we were able to build the bed in Gregor's room. It was very heavy and took a few of us to hold it in place while it was screwed together. When it was done and we had it on its feet it was a little wobbly so Adam suggested putting blocks of wood either end to stabilise it, this was done then Emma put of the foam which would be the mattress and went out to buy sheets to finish it off.
Stuart had been trying to age the handles he had bought, he found that button polish didn't work so he was experimenting with different techniques. I offered to help and he let me scratch up the handles that would be on the double doors on the bedroom side. I used sand paper and the back of a hammer to create the scratches and when I was done Stuart aged them using dirt and hair spray. When they were aged they were then put on the doors.
when the bed was built we started placing the other props in the two rooms and found that the sets were much bigger than we had originally thought they would be, but its all about where you place the items. We also went through the props we did have and I made a list of them against the list of stuff we had originally needed and found some things were needed. I and Eleanor agreed to get the majority of the items, I then asked group 2 if we could use their mirror which they agreed to and I ask Colin if we could use one of the costumes made earlier in the year by the second years for the moth eaten suit hanging on the back of Gregor's door, which he also agreed to.
While we were doing all this Karen was building the cross section for one of the windows and asked if some one could build the others I asked Katerina and Hannah if they would mind doing that. The cross sections were made from very thin MDF, in two parts inside and outside one being wider than the other. and they were then pinned to the window from the outside. I helped Hannah pin her cross to the frame as the pins weren't going in because of the wall wobbling.
Once that was all done all that was left was to dirty Gregor's room and attach the curtains. The rooms were now finished and ready for the shoot in two days.

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