Wednesday, 25 May 2011

week 1 of build: walls

Once we were back from the Easter break we were able to start putting the rooms together. We worked out to fit the set in the room we had we needed to clear all the tables and chairs out that had been stacked at the side of the room, So most of the group set about taking the tables apart and moving everything into another room. I went off to help clear space in the room we would be using as storage. When I came back a few people and Henry had started putting the walls up, I hadn't realised that they had started putting the fireplace together and found that they had attached the wrong walls together, One of the slanted walls had been put right next to the fire place on the wrong side. After noticing the mistake we were able to take it apart and put it right again.

To attach the walls together the two pieces are placed side by side and made sure that from the front they are flush then round the back you screw the side sections together just above the cross bars and at the top and bottom, at corners you need to make the decision which wall will be in front and which to the side and this is based on where you feel the join will be less noticeable. This is the same when making the door ways and the windows; you need to hold everything in position until the second wall has gone on so you don’t put too much strain on any floating pieces. Once all the walls are put in place you need to put a brace round the outside to hold it all together. When we put the central walls up we had the problem of the two walls having to go against each other but you can’t get behind it to screw the header over the door in place, so the first wall we built as we had done the others then we built the second one on the floor and slid it into place checking that the two were flush, it took us five attempts to get the door way perfect but it all fitted together.

It took us a few days to get all the walls up, again we had less people then we were hopping to have in. we built the two rooms as one area and then placed the dividing walls in the middle of this. The only thing that really slowed us down was that we had leant some one a wall and it had not been returned to us when we had expected so we had to wait for it to be delivered. We also miss placed a footer so a new one had to be built.

In the left hand side of Gregors room we have the window where the chair is rested against and at first we weren’t happy with the footer that was in place we felt that it needed a slant but when we put it in again not every one was happy with this so it was taken out and readjusted to a straight edge.

We also had a few issues with headers not quite fitting or being the wrong angle so it took us a few attempts but we got it all up.

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