Monday, 23 May 2011

Room Design

After we had all gone off to look into our own items, we had another meeting to look at the room itself, we set out to put down the layout of the rooms so we could see how much room we could allocate to each piece of furniture and still make the room workable. we were going to lay it out in masking tape, but after drawing out a quick sketch on the white board a few issues were pointed out by Stuart, first was how would all the windows and doors work together with the doors and windows being on completely oposit sides in both rooms meaning the building was either really oddly shaped or tiny, then how would this work with how a fire is situated in the building, meaning the flute would normally be in the centre of the building and windows cant be to close or all the heat would leave the room. A few of us had a long discussion over where each window and door could be and how it all worked in a block of flats and in the end we settled on this floor plan.
Which would be situated easily in a block of flats.
After we had figured all this out I took all the dimensions and drew out the floor plan putting it all to scale so it was easier to understand, I also put in the furniture working out their scale against real life objects and I placed them in as well. This meant the next day when we came into our lesson we would have a clear floor plan to work off.
Living room: w = 10ft l =12ft
Bedroom: WD = 10ft WB=7ft l=12ft
Windows W=2.16ft (27") l=4ft (48")
Doors: W=2.416 (29")
Fire place: W=3.5ft (42") D=12"
arm Chairs: W=3.4ft D=2.9ft (35")
Dining Table: W=3.5ft(42") L=4.5ft (54")
Chairs: W=1.75ft(21") D=1.75ft(21")
Sofa: W=46ft(56") D=2.6ft(32")
Writing Desk: W=5.5ft(44") D=2.416(29")
Bed = L=6.66ft(80inch) W=3.33ft(40")

The next day we had our first lesson with Henry who will be showing us how to build a set. first we looked at all of the Autocad images we had and the designs that hadn't been processed on the computer, then we looked at the floor plan and Henry told us how to properly scale, it was something I had never had to do before so I felt it wasn't such a tragedy that the first time I did it on such a large scale piece It wasn't a success, but now I know how to do it properly. The next thing we did was to make the set out of foam bored so we can see if it did all fit together. The only problem the group ran in to here was that most people hadn't got the measurements for their items so we had to spend a bit of time measurement anything we could find for a suitable replacement. People who were doing walls and doors were tasked with making the full set to size so it would all stand up together, it was a little wobbly when finished but it did stand and we were able to put all the furniture in.
As you can see on the picture it was a tight squeeze to fit everything in, there wasn't a lot of room for moving around and it really wouldn't have been a liveable environment. The next day during tutorial we were told that we could make our rooms 16'x16' if needed giving us the freedom to create some more space, out final decision was to make the rooms 16' long 12' wide in the living room and in the bedroom they'd be 12' long by 12' at the door end and 8' at the bed end. we remeasured this out and found that we would have more than enough room to make it look liveable.

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