I carried on with my chair it now needed to be painted, so first I did a layer of light brown then went over that with a darker brown running a graining tool over the wet paint just as we had done in a previous project where we created the effect of wood grain. When it was dry I went over that with Button polish.
I then started helping Stuart and Katerina paint the bedroom door. This is done in three layers, first we painted it black making sure to get into all the grooves they had made when distressing this, though if you just brushed over them the rips were highlighted and it would have made a fabulous effect if the door was a bit more modern. Once the black dried, it was covered in a light brown which was a mixture of burnt sienna, umber and ocer, and again we had to carefully cover this as well. When that was dry we got some very diluted black and ran the brush over the surface of the door, as one person brushed over the surface the other got some blue towel and ran it over the paint evening it out and taking off any left over water. It is very realistic and though it took 5 days to finish Stuart did a really good job and once he had made one the others were made much quicker. While We finished painting it I asked Jo to help Stuart make the next door which was the one that lets you into the set.
While I was doing this a number of people led by Ben put blue towel ripped up and covered in brown paint on the walls in the rips that were made the week before. Emily had put on the rope with poly filler and began sanding it down. While she was doing that Sarah made a great to go on the fire place and this took a long time to sand down so it looked perfect. Laura begins covering the chair that we had bought when I had bought Gregors chair. And Adam distressed his Sofa so it looked like we had pulled it from the river.
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